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Selling Home: Marketing Your House

Money : Property

Like most things in life, if you want sales, then you need to do some marketing. Otherwise how will people get to know about your product, and thus how will they buy it?

As you will know estate agents put a For Sale board up in the garden, and a photograph in the press. They may also mailshot prospects from your database about the house, depending how well it fits with their requirements in a new home.

However there is nothing to stop you doing similar and avoiding the fees that will be occurred through using an estate agent. Here's how:

Use your own for sale sign, easily done with a couple of cheap pieces of wood from the DIY store, and you can make the sign as visible as you want depending on the colours that you use - flourescent orange or yellow for instance will work well!

Have a phone number on the board and then when people call you can either arrange a viewing or simply send them more details about the house in the post just like an estage agent would do.

For a small outlay of time you are replicating exactly what the estate agent would do!

By: Fred

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