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Selling On EBay: Talk Like An Expert

Money : EBay

If you are selling an item in a field that has lots of terminology - and most fields do these days - then consider using expert terminology in your listing.

This has several effects, so you need to weigh them up:

- first, serious collectors are more likely to be interested, because they want specific descriptions not general

- second, they will expect the item to match your description exactly, so if you are not sure what the terms you are using mean, check them first to ensure they apply to your item - if in doubt, leave them out

- third, you might turn off some generic browsers who will not be familiar with your terms

Therefore you should think about it with care, and in general if it is a niche market then the specific terms can help - if generalist, then probably best to use more general language.

When selling stamps for instance you need to use the right terms and be very accurate in listing, as the smallest bit of damage to the eye can turn an item from very expensive to reasonably cheap.

By: Ebay User

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