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How To Set Rules For Your Children


As a parent you set the rules. Make them very precise and clear.

Now if a child acts up, and doesn't want to abide by your rules, you need to do something different.

For instance if he's doing something to annoy some one.

Just say "Stop" that's enough.
If he continues say "Do you see that chair over there" then point to it. Well if you continue, you're going there in five minutes.
If no improvement take him by the hand , and put him in it. Set a timer for 15 minutes.
If by that time no changes, set it again for 15.

Punishment is not a game. Have no other siblings around him.

If you're shopping, and your child acts up. Punish right on the spot. Hours later he would have already forgotton. Their brain is small. So If you say wait until you get home. They won't know later what their being punished for.

Also when you go shopping, give your child a quarter. Tell him if he acts up in the store, you will take away. Then he won't be able to spend it on the way out.

Also with a baby in the home. Or a new arrival. Let him get the diapper for you. Tell him he's mama's big boy. They love to hear this.

Don't over praise, for good deeds. The others will get jealous. Oh mama likes you better than me.

If you're going to be gone for a few days. Take an record a tape of you reading to them.

Or if hubby travels. Have him record a tape of things he says to them at bed time.

Give small children some thing to take care of yours. That way they'll know for sure you're coming back.

Point out on a map where you're going to be.

Mama put their school out fits in plastic bags. Mark day of week on each. That way if you're not around they can dress themselves.

Let the children help at xmas. They can all help with the unbreakabe ornaments. Let them hang them on the bottom. Let them take turns giving out gifts, and lighting the tree.

Let them go to the store and pick out fruits, and vegies for their lunches. You supervise. Mom's know what's healthy. They'll eat better.

Let them help you prepare the meals. Sometimes when they see what goes into it, they'll eat.

Give them choices of fruits, and vegies at the table. Serve a dip with them.

Kids party. Make some cake batter, and put in ice cream cones. Now let the kids decorate each one at a party. You won't have to make one. My grand children love doing this.

Use cuttie cutters, and cut out bread. Fill with sandwich filling. This makes things more nteresting to eat.

Take veggies and make some little animals out of them. Better than eating a plain carrot. dogs. Cut into chunks. Serve on a small stick pretzel.

Cut hot dog into eight legs. Boil and you got an octopus.

Make a sail boat out of a cucumber.

The object is , make the food interesting.

I did it with my kids. Doing it with my grand children.

I've got a grand daughter that even eats lettuce and spinach plain.

By: Bev

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