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Sims 3 - New Expansion - University

Games : Computer Games

EA and the Sims have just announced that The Sims 3 - University expansion pack is coming out.

When: March 5th

Finally it's the news Sims fans have been waiting for, an expansion pack based on University Life.
The game is said to allow players to go to University with a whole new world too!

What will it feature?

You can go to University and get grades.
Lots of new University themed objects.
Study Groups and Lectures.
Social groups (such as jocks and rebels).
New Traits (Techie streak)
You can major in things like Fine Arts.
New Careers.
New Venues and World.
Connections and Networking Feature.
Blogging, Social Sites, Texting!.
Bowling Alleys!
Comic Book Stores.

Pre-order for exclusive content.
You can find out more from TheSims3.com

By: Jade

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