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How To Sleep Better

Health And Fitness : Alternative Health

Many people have problems sleeping, for a whole host of reasons.

Many with no specific medical condition get frustrated as there is nothing that seems to work to make them better. Here are a couple of tips.

For some people, stomach discomfort makes it hard to relax and sleep.

If this affects you, then take a look at your eating habits. Do you eat in front of the TV, on the run, when stressed, and in several large meals?

If so, try to take your time over eating, eat little and often, ensure you are upright, and eat a healthy diet full of fresh fruit and vegetables.

This can really improve your sleeping habits, even if it doesn't seem directly related to sleep the food and diet and stomach affect our wellbeing in bed.

Some people also report they can sleep better if they raise the head of the bed by about six inches.

This is because gravity helps to keep stomach acids where they belong - in the stomach.

By: Fred

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