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Small Business Advantages

Business : Starting Up In Business

Many people when starting up in business worry that, as a small player in the market, they are never going to be able to take on the bigger companies.

Whilst it is true that large companies have many benefits - for instance a large staff, perhaps lots of money behind them and a good reputation in many cases, there are disadvantages.

Small businesses and start ups have many advantages, and by placing to your strengths you can often win business that would otherwise have gone to the major players.

A classic example is to use the size of your company to great advantage. A small company can usually act and re-act much, much faster than a larger outfit.

This can be a massive asset to have in most fast moving industries, where speed and getting a product created quickly is essential. As a small outfit there just aren't the layers of bureaucracy and management that grind every process down to a slow crawl as happens very often in larger companies.

Emphasise this plus point when doing pitches particularly if it is clear that speed to market is a key criterion, and you will be pleasantly surprised with the business you can win over large, more established companies.

By: Stephen

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