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How To Solve Kakuro Puzzles

Games : Puzzles

The great thing about kakuro puzzles is that you can solve them with good old-fashioned logic alone. Hence kakuro is similar to sudoku.

The first thing you should do is arm yourself with kakuro 'look up tables'. These are a list of all the possible integer sums for a number, e.g. for 3 you can only have 2 and 1, but how about 20?!

Once armed with this, attack your puzzle.

Key Kakuro Strategy:

The most important thing is to always start with the clues that have the fewest possible combinations. Typically these have the least white squares - two is perfect, three will do. The lower the number the better.

Also remember to use intersections to help you narrow down the possible combinations. For instance, if you have the number 4 but are not sure whether the combination is 1 and 3, or 3 and 1, then look at the across sum. If it is 3, then you know the combination is 1, 3, as the 3 can only be 1, 2.

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By: Dan

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