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How To Soothe A Diaper Rash

Health And Fitness : Top Health Tips


Doc Says:

Diaper rash usually goes away after two or three days of care. If it doesn?t contact your doc. Your child may have more than a diaper rash.

If the rash is becoming beefy red, involves the crease of the groin, and has round pink spots, radiating from the red area, you child may have a yeast infection.
A yeast infection is not serious.
But does require a doc, to get an antifungal medication.

Also seek a doc if you notice anything that looks like a pimple or blister in the diaper area. Your child could have a staff infection. Particularly important if a newborn.
But no matter how old the child is, he will require antibiotics, to take care of this bacterial infection.

If none of the above lets proceed.

Diaper rash is what happens when a baby?s sensitive skin, is kept in contact with urine or fecal soaked diapers, for any length of time. The moisture breaks down the skin?s narural protective oils, and a red, irritated, bumpy rash appears. You?re sure to lose some sleep until it?s over.

Here are some tips for prompt action.

Change frequently.
Paper or cloth work equally well as long as you, change them whenever they are wet or soiled.

Toss those Plastics Out.
If your baby is in cloth diapers, do not cover them with plastic pants, unless you absolutely have to. Plastic pants keep the moisture in. You don?t want this. Moisture can cause, or worsen diaper rash. Thick cloth diaper covers are a plus. They allow the skin to breathe.

Chuck That Baby Powder ? Go Natural.
If you change your child frequently enough, you don?t need any powder.
If you feel that you do need a powder, than use plain cornstarch. Baby lotions and powders have perfumes in them. They may even cause a rash. Cornstarch is what I recommend.

Forget The Wipes.
What?s wrong with good old soap and water. Wipes could contain perfume, and alcohol. These are irritating to the skin. Especially if he has a diaper rash. So if you do use them, at the first sign of rash, switch to soap and water.

Get Out The Bottle.
Remove stools with warm water, mixed with two drops of baby oil. Use a spray bottle, and spray this mixture, directly on the diaper area. Then wipe it off with a clean cloth.
This method is less irritating to your baby.

Air Him Out.
Lay your baby on his stomach, naked. Let the air get to the rash area. This will help heal a rash faster. Do it 15 minutes after every diaper change.

Try A Sitz Bath.
This will help restore moisture to the skin, and speed healing. Two or three times a day, fill a tub with a few inches of water. Put some toys in there. Now let your child sit in this for 10 minutes. Will really make a difference. Especially if he?s been extremely uncomfortable.

Create A Barrier.
Protect the irritated skin from further contact with waste by, applying a thick over the counter barrier cream. I recommend Balmex, or A and D ointment.

By: Bev

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