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How To Spend The First Day On The Job

Career : Career Techniques

The first day in a new job can be hard - the nerves, the expectations as to what you may or may not have to do in the job - all these can easily overwhelm you.

Preparation begins the night before - get an early night, earlier than usual as it might take you a while to sleep, and switch off. Ensure you are prepared the night before too, everything you need in its place. There is plenty of time for sloppy habits later(!)

The morning of the first day, gather all your items together already laid out, and ensure that you leave EARLY. Get there at least ten minutes early on day one to create a good impression.

Remember: SMILE at everyone on the first day - first impressions count.

Sound INTERESTED and ask QUESTIONS. Keep calm, take a deep breath.

By: Job Expert

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