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How To Stop Friendship Going Stale Over Time

Relationships : Friendships

We've all been there - a time when we've had a really good friend and slowly drifted apart.

That might be because you go off to university, move away, or simply don't stay in touch for a while.

Then when you do get back together from time to time, of course you tend to slip into some sort of time warp mode where you talk about old school friends, old teachers, ask what they are all doing and so on.

There might be the occasional conversation such as what are you doing now, and so on, but in general you lapse back to the old days and sharing common memories.

But if that's all you talk about it can be hard to keep the friendship fresh, so what you need to do is come loaded with questions to ask your friend, that will bring you up to date.

Ask about their life NOW what they are doing, how work is, what they think of work, what they want to achieve in the future, what their attitude is to things that are going on in the world NOW.

And then share what your thoughts on the same things are too... the only way to ensure that your friendship doesn't go stale is to update it and get up to the minute information as to what each of you is doing.

By all means reminisce a little but ensure that this is not the only thing that you do!

By: Stephanie

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