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How To Stop Urinary Tract Infections

Health And Fitness : Top Health Tips

Vastly reduce your chances of getting a urinary tract infection - drink cranberry juice regularly. Scientific reports and research suggest that simply drinking a glass of cranberry juice a day can half a vast effect on your likelihood of contracting an unpleasant infection of this nature. Get drinking!

By: Letitia Collins on Sun, Jun 16th 2002

More infections advice

Also, for females, always hit the bathroom after having sexual relations..

I havent tried it but....stumbled across it... alka seltzer plus tablets in a glass of water helps with UTI'S. I think it may balance the level of acidity or bacteria in your Urinary Tract. Anything is worth a try !!!.

True. But it has to be from a Health Food Store. Not the grocery store.

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