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How To Structure Your Business Website

Business : Business Websites

The structure of a website is all important and particularly with a business as there is usually much more content than my personal homepage.

First of all, you need to ask some simple questions
"what is the main thing I want a visitor to my site to do?"

"is the purpose of my site to give information about my products/services or to sell them?"

The answers to these two inform everything else.

If you want a visitor to do something online, then you have to let them see it.

So structure the content area of the homepage around a large call to action to what you want them to do: for instance view the weeks special offer which has a great photo of the product and sells the benefits.

If your purpose is to provide tonnes of information on your site but not directly sell, then you will want the main content area to explain clearly and concise the sub-categories of the site, and hence help signpost where the content they want is.

Remember that a search engine looks impressive on a site as well as being very helpful for those who do not want to have to read a page but just want to type in a keyword.

By: Job Expert

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