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How To Succeed At Work

Career : Career Techniques

One of the most common barriers to success at work is procrastination.

We are all good when it comes to working in our strength areas - we feel comfortable when using our talents and no doubt perform well.

However it is unlikely that we can play to our strengths at all times and there will be times when you need to do something that you are not looking forward to - perhaps a difficult phone call and you are nervous at times on the phone, for instance.

The best way to deal with such things is always ensure that you get them out of the way first thing that day.

Otherwise they will hang over you like a rain cloud all day, depressing your mood, affecting your other work - and still needing to be done. You then run the risk of building them up to be more than they actually are.

Therefore, with difficult things or those that you are not looking forward to doing at work, always try to get them out of the way first thing!

By: Stephanie

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