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Succeed In Business: Tell The Truth

Career : Career Development

Many people think that you need to be political in business to get on. By 'political' they tend to mean bend the truth a little - always manage their boss well and tell them they have delivered a little more than they have done.

This may have short term goals, but these sorts of people will invariably be found out.

Rather what you should aim to do is actually always tell the truth. The great thing about this is that you can disarm any bigger, future tensions, by being honest.

If things are not going well on a project, then by highlighting this fact straight away you can start to find out what could be done to rectify it. If you are economical with the truth at the start, then you are building up problems for later.

Similarly with customers. It's funny how in a shop the problem is always with the suppliers, whilst the suppliers would always blame retailers for messing them around with order requirements and so on. Tell the truth - the buck has to stop somewhere and at least customers will respect those who own up to their mistakes.

By: Job Expert

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