Sun Skincare For Teens
Beauty : Skincare It's important to encourage your teen to look after your skin especially by protecting against the sun. Not all sun screens can be oily, there are some sprays, gels and clear formulas instead of creams so there needn't be a greasy feel to it. Get a smaller bottle so your teen can carry it around with them without weighing down their bag. Boys are more likely to prefer to buy sun screen from an outdoor gear shop instead of a beauty counter. Put sunscreen on before any layers of make up, insect repellent or creams, therefore it's directly on your skin. The first applications needs to go on at least 15 mins before going out in the sun. Sun screen is not just for abroad, so make sure it is applied on sunny days between 11am and 3pm, even if there is a bit of cloud around. If swimming, it needs to be re applied more regularly. Make sure you have a high enough skin factor, go for the highest if you're not sure which is best.
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