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How To Take Care Of Child's Terrors

Health And Fitness : Top Health Tips

Doc says, Talk to your child about these terrors he's having during the day. Don't wait until evening. Once your child understands his fears, it usually is no longer worth worrying about.

Plug in some kind of a night light.

If the child wakes up from some kind of terror, and runs to your room listen to him.
Don't send him back to his room by himself. When children are terrified, they want their parents around. Sometimes they don't need any more, than a reassurance that everything will be fine. Go back to the child's room with him. Turn on the light. Show him inside the closet, and under the bed. This usually solves the problem, until he winds down.

Some children will want to jump in bed with you. So what if you have to break the rule, every now and then. Just don't make it a habit.
Nip it in the bud fast. Remind them the next night of the rule. You shouldn't have any protests.

Give your child a protector. A stuffed animal, a flashlight, or something that will help with the soothing.

If there are a number of night terrors, control the t.v. during the day. Too much violence, or some t.v. programs can be a culprit to.

Sometimes bully's at school, Day care, toilet training, dealing with a new sibbling, or having to give up their room. All these stresses can lead to night terrors. Try and talk to your child about, things that happened during the day. Watch for the silent treatment. This is an indication of trouble.

Follow a Calming bedtime routine. Read a story, sing a song, something that is pleasant for him to go to bed with.

Children having night terrors develop a fear of falling asleep. So they need to focus on some activity, instead of fearing what might be coming.

By: Bev

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