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The Historical Importance Of Codes And Ciphers

Games : Codes And Ciphers

Codes and ciphers whilst for most of us the domain of a bit of fun and a challenge, are actually incredibly important.

It is no exaggeration to say that the deciphering of, well, ciphers and sometimes decoding of codes has changed the outcome of history.

There are many events at the individual level and the world level where the cracking of a code has changed things.

For many individuals who plotted treachery against the government, kings and queens, the deciphering of their messages has led to the conclusive evidence that led to their downfall.

One of the most famous is the letters of Mary Queen of Scots endorsing a plot to overthrow Queen Elizabeth which probably tipped her over the edge to signing her cousins death warrant.

There are also various other ciphers that have been cracked with important consequences. One example was a message in the first world war from Germany to Mexico suggesting they attack the USA and try to get Japan to attack the USA too. This was intercepted and decrypted by British intelligence. Had it not been, the USA may not have entered the war at the time.

By: Fred

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