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The Perfect Pedicure

Beauty : Hands And Feet

If you want a professional pedicure, ensure you book your appointment for a week before your holiday, as this will give your feet enough time to recover, making walking on hot sand more bearable.

Giving your cuticles a massage with a cuticle oil on a weekly basis will help to hydrate them and keep them strong.

A weekly buff will also remove any ridges, and make them look shiny and smooth. It also makes nail polish look much better.

A French Manicure is a good choice for the summer as it goes with any outfit.

Dont put on too much polish as it will take a longer time to dry particularly when its hot, and is also prone to chipping and peeling.

Add a non yellowing coat to the top as this will help avoid fading colour.

Always use a cotton pad soaked in non acetone remover liquid when taking off your polish, and hold it over your nails for a few seconds before wiping off.

When applying polish, give your nails at least an hour to dry properly.

By: Danielle

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