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How To Think Outside The Box

Self Development : Brain Power

Everything in life which is a challenge is a challenge only for one reason… ignorance. If you knew exactly how to handle every situation every time then nothing would be difficult and you would be God.

Things which we don’t understand are shrouded in a cloud of darkness. And humans are generally known for taking 2 types of stances: “that which you don’t understand fear and destroy” or “that what you don’t understand simply wait and in time understanding will be revealed”. The art of thinking is long lost. And for those who do know the way usually implement a personal copyright of cover up their tracks, so no one else is capable of following them and they can proclaim the selfish quality of a limited “I know something you don’t know” pride. The way they do this is by limiting the choices to the extent of their personal ignorance. This is the metaphorical “box” of which is spoken.

The first part of being able to think outside the box is that you must identify the problem as a problem, and not a symptom, and neither simply dismiss it as an accepted characteristic.
For example people often say “you have 2 choices either … or ….” Now to the average person of limited intellect those 2 choices will be appear to be the most logical of 2 extremes therefore making them ever more believable as of being the only 2 choices. Such as if I were to say “Since the numbers never stop and the highest number is infinity, and the lowest number is negative infinity you have 2 choices, either choose a negative number or a positive number.”

Many people not experienced in the intricacies of mathematics, or those who are slow thinkers, or limited with time would quickly agree. But that of course excludes the obvious number of zero.

That was a simplistic version of the obvious truth, what is not so obvious to most which becomes the standardized box of limited thinking.

Every riddle is based on this concept. Express limitations and the person will be more focused on the confines of the limits instead of the possibilities.

How about this one: If I give you 2 coins that add up to 30 cents but one of them isn’t a quarter. Immediately the mind focuses on the limitation that since “one of them isn’t a quarter” the option of a quarter is completely excluded. But the simple solution a nickel and a quarter, because the nickel isn’t a quarter, but almost daily you can find someone who is stumped by that question simply because they are a box thinker.

When I was first asked that question I said the answer without any contemplation, because my first thoughts were as to finding a logical solution. Then the second of which how could that solution be modified to fit in the box. But my afterthought became ‘oh, it fits already’ which was the solution.

When someone gives you “2 choices” always look for the third which won’t be mentioned, because it doesn’t benefit the questioner or control you as much or in the manner the questioner wants.

I have a friend who is a strong politicalist. He loves to talk politics and make people choose sides. By his definition he declares everyone is either a democrat or a republican. Democrat being on one end of the spectrum: a liberal person who believes in improvement of the people via strong capitalist methodologies. A Republican being on the other end of the spectrum: a conservative person who believes in improvement of the people via strong moral methodologies.

If you are not one then you must be the other. I said no, I am neither. Of course he asked how could that be, and I said I believe in the dictatorship of a king. I do not believe that the warring votes of the masses could be any true benefit of the whole, because it is based on a system not of logic to take the lead, but majority rule. The fact remains the same; the system of voting is not based on logic, but on popularity. Even the evil kings still gather information and base their decisions on some type of logic, even if it is flawed, even if it isn't popular… but who is perfect but God?

So when given the option of either A or B,… I think for myself: What is the goal? How would I approach it? Why were those limitations presented? Who benefits from the limitations most? And what is left is what I choose regardless if it is not choice A or B and that is out of the box thinking.

Not to search for an answer which fits the question, but to create an answer which fits the question.
A fact question is a fact question, but when I have a choice in the matter I always choose option "c".

By: Ted & Heather

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