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How To Tie A Tie

Beauty : Clothes And Fashion

Put the tie round your neck and make sure the fat end hangs down longer than the thin end. You then take the fat end and wrap it round the thin end twice, not right up at your collar but a few inches below. When you get to the second time, push the fat end up and through the knot that is being formed. The fat end then has to be tucked in through the front loop of the knot.

You tighten the knot by pulling down gently on both the thin and fat end, then slide the knot up to the top of your collar by holding the thin end. You must always make sure the fat end is still longer than the thin one - if this is not the case then you will have to start again, only this time make the fat end hang down even longer than before. Do this until it is sitting correctly, and then you can turn your collar back down and adjust accordingly.

When you remove a tie, don't be tempted just to loosen it then pull it over your head, or just to pull one end until the knot comes loose - this can damage the tie and the way it looks. Instead, untie it in reverse order to how you tied it!

By: Bev Woolfson on Thu, Apr 25th 2002

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