How To Understand A Webpage
Computing : Internet It may look like gobbledygook to you, but they are really very simple indeed. A scripting language called HTML is used to write webpages, and it is simply a series of tags using left and right angle brackets to denote certain instructions. Inbetween the tag is information telling the browser what to do, or how to display the text. Often there is a which closes the tag. There are a huge variety of tags out there, most of which are commonsensical. The art is to learn them all and use them to create the effect that you want. Next time you see a webpage, view the source and take a look for yourself. If you want to write your own, read my other webpage tips!
Questions about windows me:Do I need to buy Frontpage in order to create a web page. If not is there anyth...- Mon, Mar 1st 2004