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Useful Tips For Exam Preparation

Education : How To Excel In Exams

With the exam season coming up, preparation is the key to success.

Try making your own revision cards to help you memorise important facts or equations. Use different colours, and pictures to help create visual elements which will boost your memory as you will link the image/colour with the fact when coming to remember it during an exam. Invest in a highlighter to emphasis key sentences in large pieces of text. Stick the cards up on your mirror or around your room.

Do some group revision with friends and test each other with different questions. Or listen to a tape whilst you're out walking to the shops, as you'll be able to relax and get fresh air and exercise at the same time which will help your overall mental health by keeping stress levels low.

Some of us are early birds and the others are night owls, so try out revising in the morning or at night and decide which works best for you. Remember to get enough sleep though.

Little and often bursts of revision will help you memorise the facts more easily. Avoid cramming last minute before an exam, as this wont work due to low concentration levels. Plan something fun to do to reward yourself after completing an exam.

By: Danielle

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