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How To Wash Pillows

Cleaning : Useful Cleaning Tips

If you put them in the washing machine then they sometimes lump up together and are never the same again. Here are some tips to avoid this.

Check the tags to see which ones are washable. Choose polyester, fiber filled pillows with cotton or polyester covers for best results as these are often washable. Remove the pillowcases and wash them separately to the pillows.

Some foam or different molded pillows can be washed however pillows filled with water, buckwheat or gel can not be washed.

Choose smaller, fiber filled pillows with light cotton or polyester covers if you want to machine wash. Any decorative pillows, like those covered with leather, very heavy cloth or beads cant be washed.

Large heavy pillows can be cleaned by hand, but only the surfaces. Their insides wont dry properly if wet.

Wash bedroom pillows in warm or hot water in a big washing machine, but check the tags first. Use less detergent.

Some decorative pillows can be washed in warm or cold water.

Dry all pillows thoroughly on a medium heat setting in a tumble dryer, and then air-dry them after.

By: Danielle

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