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What Happens When I'm On The Electoral Register?


There are two types of electoral register, or two versions of this very important document.

The full version of the register is purely for elections, and also used for things such as checking credit applications and has uses in crime prevention too.

There is also an edited version of the register that has less information than the full register contains.

This edited version is a document that is available for sale on a commercial basis (general sale) and may be used for activities such as marketing purposes.

You do have a choice about where your details appear: whilst your name and address must appear on the full register, you have the choice as to whether or not they also appear on the edited register.

If you have a really good reason to be registered anonymously, there is something called the electoral administration act of 2006. If you are interested in this and have a good reason to be anonymous then you should contact your local electoral registration officer.

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