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What To Ask Before A Model Photo Shoot


If you are having a modelling photo shoot, or have agreed to be the model for a shoot then it is essential that you find out all about the shoot before hand.

Whilst in the excitement of being asked about a modelling shoot these questions might not seem relevant they are important so that you can decide if you will be comfortable with the shoot, and the money on offer. When the shoot itself actually occurs then you will know what you will be doing exactly.

Questions to ask about a photo shoot include:

- how long will it last

- where is it taking place

- how much will you be paid (and is payment up front)

- how to get there / accommodation if required / do they pay for the travel

- will any other models be involved in that day's shoot or is it just you

- who will be doing the photography

- do you need to bring your own outfits or are they provided

- what type of modelling is it (e.g. fashion/catalogue/glamour)

By: Stephanie

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