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What To Do If The Boss Takes Credit For Your Work

Career : Workplace Issues

Some bosses are nice enough people and fine to work for in the main, but they are desperate to maintain their own status.

And for some bosses, this means that they will take the credit for projects or things that you do right, whilst not being prepared to carry the can for something that may or may not go wrong.

So what can you do if this applies to you and your projects?

Well, the main thing is to raise your profile in the team - if this means getting friendly with the big boss, as it were, then do so - and update them on what you are doing regularly. That way it steals the thunder of your own boss stealing what you are doing as their own, as the big boss will already be aware of what is going on.

Secondly, you can start to be a little more liberal with what you tell your boss. Don't give out some key details on the project or be vague - that way when quizzed by the big boss they will think twice about claiming the work as their own as there will be some questions that they cannot answer which would look awkward and expose themselves as a bit of a fraud.

When it comes to projects that are going wrong, actively get your boss involved - for instance to come into some meetings with you with a problem supplier and constantly update what is going on.

If you make them get their hands a little dirty in such a project they are less inclined to let you man a sinking ship and give you a little help at least in trying to deal with and rectify any sticky situations!

By: Job Expert

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