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Which Foods Will Make You Prettier

Food And Drink : Eat Yourself Pretty

This category is called eat yourself pretty, which sounds nice and is the sort of tagline you might see in a magazine, but it is misleading.

Because the sad truth is, that nothing you eat is going to make you any more or less pretty.

However, what the food you eat can do is make you feel happier and healthier, help you to lose weight, and generally help you take care of yourself.

For instance a diet of burger and chips, compared to one of fresh fruit and veg and the right amounts of protein for instance: the latter may make you prettier in the sense that you don't become overweight and spotty, but the link between food and actually being pretty I would imagine does not exist.

So what foods should you eat if you want to take care of yourself?

In my opinion, it is all about a sensible and varied diet. One that gives you the calories you need but does not overload you. One that contains a mix of healthy fats, protein and carbohydrates. I think the mantra of moderation in all things is spot on when it comes to food!

By: Stacy

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