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Why You Should Vote In An Election


If there is an election then you should vote in it.

The reason for this is that if you are a citizen who is eligible to vote then you should not be lazy but should take the time to exercise your right to vote.

Remember that in the past very few people had the vote indeed and many people died to give you democracy and the right to vote.

Whilst it is unthinkable now of course just a century ago women did not even have the right to vote, that is a whole 50% of the population!

So think about it when it comes to the elections, it is a privilege that you have that you should not take for granted. Whilst you might not care about the past and history is not something that interests you, there has been a lot invested in ensuring that every ordinary person over 18 who lives in the country is able to have their small say in who runs the country at election time so vote.

Don't take the lazy route out and say that they're all the same or that you know nothing about politics: take some personal responsibility and find out what the parties stand for and pick the one that represents you the best.

By: Stacy

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