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Wicked ZIGZAG Partings

Beauty : Haircare

1. Start off by giving your hair a good brush to get out any knots. If it's fairly tangled, take small sections of your hair and brush gently through each one

2. Look in a mirror and, with your comb, find the point of your hairline that lines up with your nose. Run your comb from front to back to make a centre parting.

3.Starting at the front of your parting, zig to the left and zag to the right. Do not take your comb off your head as you go, otherwise your zigzag won't be neat.

4. Use your comb and fingers to follow the parting and separate your hair into the zigzag sections. Finally, decorate with hair springs dotted around your parting

p/s: make sure you start out with a straight parting. You can follow the line to make a clear, even zigzag either side of the centre and stop you going wonky

By: Adib Asilah

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