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How To Work Out When To Get Your Hair Cut

Beauty : Haircare

We all know that getting your hair cut can be a real confidence booster as your hair should look great after the appointment, unless something goes horribly wrong!

But how often should you go, given that these things don't tend to come cheap even for the most basic of cuts or treatments.

Well, experts recommend that if you have shorter hair then you will need more frequent visits, for instance once a month.

For those with longer hair, then it is advised to go once every 2 - 3 months, the key being to have a trim up and ensure that split ends can be eradicated from the scalp.

Of course there is nothing to stop you doing basic things such as trimming up hair yourself, and certainly if you are growing your hair long and do not wear it in a particular style then you can save a good deal of money by buying some good quality hair scissors and getting a friend or family member to trim up your hair for you.

By: Stephanie

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