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How To Work With A Bad Boss

Career : Workplace Issues

There is no fun working with a boss who is on a power trip, or even acts as a bit of a bully, or some combination thereof.

How does it work?

Well the key is to overcome their status trip, and the way to do that is to make them see you as an equivalent in terms of status.

Our status is mainly affected by our behaviour. Research has shown time and time again how in a group of individuals put together, we act according to type and role. If someone behaves like a boss, most people will fall in line and follow them.

Therefore you need to actually act more like your boss - not in the bullying way or taking them on as that will lead to a fight - but in simple ways.

Talk louder and more slowly around them, walk particularly tall, and make plenty of eye contact.

This sends behavioural messages that they will pick up on that you are not so far down the pecking order from them, and this will lead to them re-adjusting their behaviour around you.

By: Job Expert

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