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Working Out What Dreams Might Mean

Self Development : Interpreting Dreams

So far I have looked at how to record your dreams, how to find the symbols in your dreams and then how to look for meaning.

I looked at how dreams work by symbols which in turn need to be analysed to see what they mean.

But dreams sometimes also work by association. Therefore it may not be the item itself that is relevant but what you associate it with.

Thus if you dream about fish, then what do you associate with that? Fish food? Ponds? Water?

It may be that this is therefore more about the idea of 'water' and that you feel that you are drowning in a sea of indecision or woes in your life, and quite literally have that sinking feeling around your life.

In other words, think around a subject until you come across something that hits a chord in you, and that is probably what the dream was referring to in its own unique way!

By: Dreamer

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