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How To Write A Fictional Story

Education : English

Sometimes in English class you will be asked to write a story of your own creation entirely. Whilst many find it hard when not given the structure or topic (e.g. the classic "write an essay on a theme in the book we're reading") the flexibility this offers can be very exciting.

Here are some key steps to go through to write an essay:

- decide on a key topic for your story. Will it be a mystery? Will it be about an aspect of life - a social commentary? Will it be about a horrible nightmare, a prophecy?

- decide on the setting: real world or fantasy world

- once you have the topic, brainstorm ideas. Pick out some characters - you don't need too many. Define what they will look like and their personality types

- create a problem or key topic that will be discussed in the essay (if you are writing on the effects of bullying the problem may be the suffering your lead character experiences and need to overcome)

- work out the resolution to the story. Now write the introduction(!)

- Fleshing out the themes you decided on, write the rest of the story

- Re-read the story and tweak / edit as necessary.

By: Chris

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