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Write A Romance

Education : English

The first thing you need to include in your romance novel should be the background of the protagonist. then, describe your protagonist.

then develop it by introducing you chracter to her new school or friends or anything or new job or anything of that sort. but it has to be initiative.
introduce the guy, describe him in the most properest word u can find--to make readers fall in love with him. cause the readers to think that he has fallen in love with her. get the hopes up and play with it a little.

then, introduce the rival(could be a girl or another boy who likes your chracter). take it to complication.
then, put in the pivotal scence(could be an accident or anything) to make your chracter's and the guy's romance succsessful. when it happens, also intorduce the climax to make it interesting.
finally, find the resolution and end it with a happy ending. :)

By: Anshu

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