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Jobs : Successful Job Search Questions At Interview

At the end of the interview, invariably you will be asked for questions. It is not really an option to say "I have no questions".

If you really have had everything covered then say "no thank you - that was a very comprehensive interview and hence all my questions were covered during it"

However, if at all possible, then do ask a couple of questions, related to the job. Make them sensible, and make sure that they are not already answered in the sales literature - hence asking 'how big is the company' is something that is not advisable - you can find that out elsewhere.

However, "from your brochure I see that you are working on a particular innovative method of extracting rare metals; would there be any possibility of working on this team, or would I need specialised qualifications?" - something specific that demonstrates interest and enthusiasm is ideal. It is probably best not to mention the money issue at this stage.

By: Job Expert

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