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Zits And Pimple Treatment Tips

Beauty : Skincare

Hi im 11 years old and im called Regan.
I have suffered from spots all my life, i tried 4 hour spot removing cream that works a bit. table salt and soap and that actually works. Right now i have ut some sudocreme on my spots and it is actually working, also i have this book and it says dont play with your sots try some herbal remedies and wash your face twice a day. But guys remember spots have to get worse before they can get better !!
Playing with your spots can also cause redness and dont squeeze your spots with fingernails because that makes them even more redder. So if you wont my advise i suggest tryig different remedies that you guys have put up on this website and good luck to getting rid of your spots.
Remember peole all get spots its just apart of life i had them since the start of year 3 and now i stiff have them and i oing up to st.john fishers next week so ...
oh yes and dont think that your spots are too bad compared to other peoples. Because in other countries people have big purple spots that will never go and if they do it will leave a big red scar.So our spots compared to theres are nothing.

So guys love you all and i hope you get your spots gone.
Love regan xxx

By: Regan

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