How to clean a dryer
My son washed a load of clothes with a pack of chewing gum in a pocket. There isn't any gum on the clothes, surprisingly, but it is all over the inside of the dryer. I can't use the dryer until I get the gum out. Help!
Question From: Kari Femmer - Apr 14th 2004
Remving chewing gum from a dryer sounds tricky - accessing the effective areas is hard enough!
Try to just scrape away as much as you can manually with a soft ended tool like a spoon.
If it is really hard and stuck fast then you will need to fill a bag with ice and hold against the gum until it goes very cold and loses it grip, whereby you can pull it off.
Reply From: Stephanie - Feb 9th 2006
Spread peanut butter all over the dryer and allow 2 to 5 minutes then simply take a paper towel and wipe the gum off. Too easy, and don't use icecubes, too painful.
Reply From: Donald - Jul 17th 2007
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