Remove biro stains
how do you remove a biro ink stain from the leather seat of a car?
Question From: Stan Hyman - Sep 7th 2003
Spray with hairspray leave to soak for a few seconds wipe off.
Reply From: Beverley Mortimer - Feb 15th 2005
We had 2 large biro marks on the red leather upholstery of the car. Pump action hairspray removed them. Looks pretty good after being treated with leather polish brill advice.
Reply From: Tony Currell - May 16th 2005
Hair spray will work but it will remove a lot of the colour dye from the leather. I recommend using this product here -
You remove the ink using the ink remover on a cotton wool bud so damage to the leather is none.
hope this helps
Reply From: Ben Staerck - Sep 14th 2005
Reply From: Ben Staerck - Nov 28th 2005
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