Remove blackheads
Is there a natural way to get rid of blackheads on my nose?
Question From: Tom - Nov 18th 2003
I use tee tree oil it works effectively not straight away but give it .
Reply From: Stacey - Feb 11th 2004
Personally to get rid of the blackheads I don't use the inner-tube method from a pen because it can cause infections and more blackheads since you open them up. I buy a normal face scrub from any store and dab it on the area with blackheads (like my nose) then I gently scratch my nose with the tip of my nails and it usually gets better. Some of them dissapear. For this to be effective you have to do this around 2-3 times a week..
Reply From: ANna - May 16th 2004
Use a facial scrub. put a bit on your fingers and rotate in circular motions over the area, wash off with warm water then moisturise afterwards..
Reply From: Rachel - Aug 6th 2004
I have a blackhead on the tip of my nose not nice to have, had it for last 8 months, it gets smaller bt doesn't dissapppear but gets bigger every couple of months, how can i get rid of it.
Reply From: Anonymous - Oct 31st 2004
The best way to remove balckheads is simple.make sure you was your face and body every day.pickink spots and blackheads will only spread them to other parts of your body.
Reply From: Katie - Jan 21st 2005
You can also buy blackhead removers from places like The Body Shop (if you live in the UK) that are thin metal sticks with a part on the end you can use to squeeze them out. I use mine every so often, it gets rid of them really well..
Reply From: Laura - Jan 28th 2005
I'm experimenting new home remedy for blackheads every day :) Yesterday I've tried toothpaste and it helped, try it too.
Also try lemon juice but don't keep it too long on your nose, might burn your skin
Or spread some te tree oil
Or rinse with orange peel
Reply From: Mindaugas Bruso - Jul 17th 2009
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