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Finding The Right Man For You

How To Approach Mr Right
So you have found Mr Right, so that's the first bit done. But how do you actually go and approach such a person? Well, in order to chat to him it is...

How To Be More Attractive To Mr Right
Lots of women spend ages obsessing about whether they are attractive enough to get the man of their dreams. So the first tip, and in many ways the most...

How To Find A Fellow Catholic Single
For people who are religious, finding Mr Right can often mean finding someone with the same religious background. And indeed for many Catholics it can feel...

How To Find Out If Your Partner Is Married
Is your boyfriend or partner married to someone else? We all like to think not, but the reality is there are occasions where you might not be sure and have...

How To Identify Who Is Your Perfect Partner
Many people think they know the right person for them and what Mr Right looks like - following a certain cliche he is often tall, dark and...

How To Tell If He's Right For You
Is he right for you? Well that's a big question, and partly it depends on what you value. Here are some key things to look for. First is reliability and...

If You Love Dogs Mr Right Is A Dog Lover
Lots of people have pets at the front and centre of their lives. If this applies to you, then you are probably going to want a pet lover too. And dog...

Meeting A Life Partner
Meeting a life partner is something that is really quite scary - finding people to date can be hard enough for some, nevermind actually finding a full on life...

Mr Right Now Versus Mr Right
Sometimes we just want to have some fun, and there is nothing wrong with this. Whilst we all hope to meet Mr Right sometimes there is no harm with flirting...

Why You Should Give Up Prince Charming
Prince Charming probably doesn't exist - that is the simple reality that you need to get used to! Yes it might be hard to take, but that is the reality of...

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