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Brain Power

Brain Exercises You Can Do
There are many simple exercises that you can do to work your brain just like you would any other part of your body. Here's some ideas: Try to do a...

Breathing Space Brain Explained
You might have come across the term BSB or breating space brain, but what exactly is it? Well, BSB refers to the idea that we all need to relax from time to...

How Never To Lose An Important Item Again
How often does it happen that you are in a real rush to get out of the house, and just cannot find something. Whether it be your car keys, or your glasses...

How To Create Effective Memory Links
The best way to do this is to create the story that links everything together as vivid, and therefore as memorable, as you possibly can. Thus if one of the...

How To Develop Your Senses
We all naturally tend to favour some senses over the others. Whilst some will be very visual, for instance, others will be much more aural or prehaps...

How To Focus Your Thoughts
When it comes to concentrating, and really focussing on something, many people find it hard. With so many distractions and thoughts flying around the head,...

How To Improve Concentration
The single biggest thing needed to improve your concentration is to find out about the natural rhythms of your body, and when you feel most awake - and when...

How To Improve Your Study Skills
When it comes to studying, there are so many things that can be done to improve your study skills. One of the most important elements to more productive...

How To Photo Read
Photo reading is a reading skill where you learn to read and absorb information extremely quickly, as opposed therefore to ordinary, standard reading. The...

How To Read A Lengthy Report Quickly
Report reading is a skill. What's for sure is that no one has the opportunity to read such documents from cover to cover. Therefore you need to learn to be...

How To Remember A List
One of the hardest things to learn to memory is a list of anything. That's because there is not normally something to connect or to associate each member of...

How To Remember Anything: Create A Story
The story method of remembering items is also known by some as the linking method. The key is that you combine elements that may be disparate and have no...

How To Remember Easily
Remembering seems to be a bit of a lottery - some people find it easy to remember, whilst for others it is very hard indeed. What is strange is that,...

How To Remember Lots Of Information
Remembering lots of information for a short period of time is something that most of us will remember when it came to our exams - whether past, present or...

How To Remember Names
Some people have notorious problems at remembering and recalling names. This can be embarrassing both for you and the person that you met. They feel that...

How To Remember Numbers
Some times you won't need to remember words or lists of tangible items, but rather things such as numbers. Often these will be large numbers, perhaps in the...

How To Speed Read Articles
Speed reading is all about being selective and choosy, rather than reading an entire piece of information. Therefore what you should aim to do is to...

How To Speed Read Complex Documents
A long and lengthy document can be hard enough to read when you take your time, so surely it would be even harder if attempted at speed? Well, the best way...

How To Think Outside The Box
Everything in life which is a challenge is a challenge only for one reason… ignorance. If you knew exactly how to handle every situation every time then...

How To Use Mind Maps
Your initial mind map is unlikely to be ordered in the best way for you, particularly if you made it at the time of taking notes from a lecture. The logical...

Memory Training: Four Steps To A Great Memory
There are four key steps that are involved in a good technique for remembering and storing information in your memory. These four steps are as follows: -...

Remember Things Very Fast And Without Forgetting It
i do love to play chess so do let me use it to illustrate, imagine am preparng for a very hot tournament and i have read moves upon move , then the question is...

Retaining Information: Regular Reviews
If you want to retain information and knowledge in your mind, then you often need to recall it on a regular basis to keep it accessible. As you will know...

Taking Notes Effectively: Mind Mapping
If you are taking notes on a subject, then after the event it can be hard to use a large ream of notes effectively to help you remember and recall what was...

The Meaningful Numbers System
The third and final major system of converting numbers to something meaningful is, handily enough, called the meaningful numbers system! Here is how it...

The Rhyming Numbers System
Another system you can use to remember sequences of numbers, apart from the standard number shapes system, is the number rhyme system. Here you go through...

The Room Memory System
The room memory system is a method for building a great memory whereby you use something very familliar to yourself in order to help you store and remember...

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