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Self Defence

Best Way To Defend Yourself: Be Aware
Fore-warned is fore-armed, as the expression says. And with your safety and defending yourself, if you are alert and aware to the situation, then you put...

How To Get Away If Held From Behind
Even with vigilance, sometimes situations creep up on us that we are not aware of, and by the time we become aware, a situation may have developed. One such...

How To Make An Attacker Lame
If you want to make the person who is attacking you go lame temporarily so you can escape, here is another technique that is simple but that you should have in...

How To Punch An Attacker In Self Defense
If you are in serious danger from an assailant and it is clear that they mean you harm, then you need to know how to defend yourself. Sadly the lenient...

How To React To Being Attacked
If you ever have the misfortune to be attacked, then it can be a very frightening situation indeed. So how do people recommend that you react in such a...

How To Shock An Assailant: Finger Tug
The finger tug as the name implies is where you pull hard on a finger, preferably the little finger, of an assailant. The reason for doing this is that if...

How To Stay Safe On A Train
The worst thing you can do on a train is to be in a carriage that is empty, as this will offer no help or protection should a situation develop and is also...

Potential Ways To Defend Yourself In A Confrontation
If you have a confrontation on the street, then remember that you can use certain objects that you may have on your possession to help to defend...

Self Defence Technique: Palm Smash
The palm smash sounds quite dramatic but it is actually a fairly simple technique that you can use in times where you need self defence against an aggressive...

Self Defence Techniques - The Face Stun
The face stun is one manouvre that you can try to use to self defend yourself if you get into a confrontational situation with an aggressor. Remember that...

Stay Safe On The Streets By Looking Confident
It may sound like something that doesn't really work, however research has shown consistently that those people who look confident are less likely to get...

Tips For Staying Safe When Attacked
If you get attacked or are worried that a situation seems threatening, then the best defence that you can have is to run away. There is nothing to be...

Vulnerable Points In A Street Attack - Shins
If you are ever unfortunate enough to get attacked in the streets, then it is a good idea to know vulnerable points on the body so that if you need to try to...

Your Best Defence When You Are Attacked
One of your best defences as an ordinary citizen who knows little about self defence or is not able to put into practice self defence is your voice. If you...

Your Best Protective Weapon
One of the best objects you are in possession of for self defence is, in fact, part of your body - your knees! If you use your knees to get in a swift blow...

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