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Top philosophy hints, tips and ideas

Please select a category from the list below to view the most popular how to articles in that category:

Find Lots Of Philosophy Quotes
For the best collection of quotes by philosophers on the internet, try this dedicated quotation

What Is Personal Identity
The question of personal identity looks at what it is for us to exist from one time to another.

Is Time Travel Possible
One question that philosophers have puzzled over, along with physicists and scientists, is with

What Is Philosophy
Philosophy, is broadly, the love of wisdom - that is the root of the word from the Greek philo

What Is Functionalism
An intriguing theory, one of those which may become more appealing the more you study it, depending

What Is Idealism
Idealism is an intriguing theory, that posits this: - the world (reality) is not 'actual'

Inductive Thinking
Induction, in this sense, is where one abstracts from a few examples to a rule. For instance,

Moral Evil
Moral evil inheres in the wicked actions of humans and the bad consequences that are produced as a

The Issues Around Free Will
The question asked here is 'do we have free will?' and issues that result from this are around

What Is Formalism
This is the view that maths concerns manipulations of symbols according to prescribed structural

The Chinese Room
You enter a room, with a division down the middle, and a small slot in the centre. As a

What Is Determinism
Determinism is a belief that is held by many thinkers, and to many seems imcompatible with the

The Experience Machine
This is a thought experiment that forces us to examine the question "does only conscious experience

The Game
The fact that we now know that there are billions and billions of other stars in the universe, no

The Infinite Regress Argument Explained
This argument shows a theory to be defective, because it generates an infinite regress (note an

The Brain In A Vat
Imagine that you are nothing more than a brain in a vat, being fed sensory inputs left right and

What Is Chaos Theory
Chaos theory is often illustrated with the idea that a butterfly flapping its wings in the 'middle

Natural Evil Explained
This, as opposed to moral evil, are bad consequences that derive from the operation of natural

What Is Hylozoism
This is a, now rare, and rather odd theory. It states that matter is intrinsically alive, or

What Is Game Theory
This interesting theory looks at the structure, and the rational strategies for performing in,

Forward To The Past
Time travel is one of the most puzzled over philosophical questions, and it's fair to say it has

What Is Humanism
This is a philosophy that says humans occupy a special position in the scheme of things. It is

What Is A Homunculus
This rather unlikely word means little man (from Latin). And it refers to a little man that was

What Is Formal Logic
This is the science of correct reasoning, based on the premise that the validity of an argument is

What Does Hyle Mean?
This is simply a word that means matter. It is actually an ancient Greek word, used by Aristotle.

How Is Feminist Philosophy Best Defined
One definition would be that this is a view of philosophy, and its subject matters, that does not

Memories Of The Past
Many people believe that they have had previous lives, and cite experiences and memories they

What Is Hermeneutics
This is the art of interpretation, broadly stated. For instance, someone who reads the

Transportation And The Self
Who are you? Normally, this seems a straightforward question, but the malfunctioning transporter

What Is Internalism
This is the theory, in contrast to externalism, that states that reasons for action must be

The Physical Clone
What makes you the same person at time t as you were at t - 1? Is having the same physical

Moral Realism Explained
This is a metaethical view, the key behind it (and the many moral realistic theories) is that

What Is The Gambler's Fallacy
The gambler's fallacy is the conviction of some gamblers that the future probabilities must

What Is Immaterialism
This is the view that objects are best represented when described in terms of being merely a

What Is Externalism
This is the theory that there are objective reasons for actions that are not dependent on the

Time Travellers - Where Are They?
One very simple question, perhaps not a fully fledged thought experiment, is with regards time

Why Altruism Does Not Make Sense
First, let's define the concept: "the view that the well-being of others should have as much

The Consequences Of Determinism
The consequences of holding deterministic views are controversial and the subject of much

Arguments Against Moral Fictionalism
Arguments against moral fictionalism are many. One popular argument against theories in ethics

Why Study Ethics In Philosophy
There are many useful reasons for studying philosophical ethics. First of all, the subject is