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Entertainment Expert Pages

Bec's Entertainment
Bec's all entertainment for u! HELLO AGAIN! Film of the week Texas chainsaw massacre the beginning I watched

Christmas Gift Ideas
Christmas - love it or hate it, it comes around every year. And whilst the real meaning of Christmas gets diluted more and more by the shops each year, it means that the pressure to get that extra...

Free Online Gift Store
If you want to let people buy you things online - and let's face it who wouldn't want that - then you can do it now for free with a new website. Called You Gift Me, just head on over to the...

How To Be An Extra
How do you become an extra in TV or film? And more importantly how do you find the jobs?!? Many people like the idea of being an extra in the latest blockbuster movie or soap opera such as...

Looking After Tropical Fish
For tropical fish you need these nine pieces of equiptment to keep your fish Filter: Internal, External or under gravel Air Pump: Essential when using an under gravel filter Heater: Essentiaol...