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How To Survive A Plane Crash

Travel : Travel Tips

In the unlikely event of a plane crash, here are some tips on how to cope.

Listen to the safety briefing at the start of the flight, and look at the safety info card as well. Remember every plane is different and will have different exits etc.

Once you've done this, take a moment to go through in your head what you would do if there was a crash. See which exit you would use and what direction you turn when you get up. Practice opening and closing your seat belt as well. Keep it on at all times when seated so you don't forget.

You will need to brace correctly, as this is the best position to minimise injury.

The safest seats are nearest to the exits simply because you'll be able to get off the plane quicker.

Crouch low in the event of a crash or fire. Move quickly to the exits when landed. Listen to cabin crew instructions and leave your belongings where they are.

Remember plane crashes are very unlikely and there are more driving incidents than flying.

By: Danielle

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