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How To Survive On A Desert Island

Travel : Travel Tips

Although this is a very unlikely event unless you are a sailor, here are some tips to survive on a desert island.

Study your route carefully before you leave and plan and pack the right things ready for any mishaps along the way.

Drinking sea water will make you sick and become dehydrated. Minimise sweating by finding a shaded shelter.

Find fresh water by tying a plastic bag in the morning, around a non poisonous leafy tree. Make sure it is in a sunny area and that the bag is lower than the seal. Five hours later you should have something to drink. Or look for a stream.

Make sure your shelter is fairly near your water supply and out of dangerous areas.

Build a fire and maintain it. You will need a dry flat surface, away from wind.

Set out a net so you can catch fish while you sleep. Look for fruit and berries that you know are edible.

Find a good area to build a signal fire. Keep some leaves near by in case you need to make thick smoke. Three fires in a triangle are a call for help.

Recycle your wreckage by reusing everything.

By: Danielle

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