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How To Visit Great Places In The States

Travel : Destinations

Despite the recent terrible attacks on the States, there the country still plays host to a great variety of destinations to visit.

Here is a breif outline of some of the destinations I have visited. As someone who has travelled to the US and Canada on many occasions, I have fallen in love with North America.

There is something there for everyone. If you are planning a trip to the US, your first destination is most likely to be the same as 1 million other Brits and to sunny Florida.

I don't know many people who have been to Florida and not wanted to go back again. Before you do, think carefully about the rest of the US. California is further away but offers a more varied choice to the themeparks on Florida. You can go to Hollywood and the Golden Gate bridge, even take a trip to the Grand Canyon while you are there. Of course, there are themeparks as well.

New York is a sparkling city. Now safer than it's history and reputation portray. There is just so much to do there and you can get some great flight deals over there from all parts of the UK. Try Delta, or BA for the main carriers as well as US airways and more.

The deep south makes you feel like you are in a different country all together. Slow and steady, the pace of life makes you think that time has no meaning here. Great if you want to try a different part of the US.

Florida, my personal favourite, because of all the wonderful memories it brings. You can get great deals with the carter companies throughout the year.

Canada has lots of different aspects, Toronto, English speaking and near the falls also great for shopping. Vancover, great for sking and beautiful scenery but very far away and therefore expensive.

Start with Florida for a taste of America. Once you've been you will never get bored.

By: Johnathon on Sun, Jun 16th 2002

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