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What To Do If You Feel Ill On A Flight

Travel : Flying

Sometimes you might start to feel ill on a flight. If this happens, then the first thing that you should do is notify a member of the cabin crew straight away.

They will be able to keep a special eye on you and take care of you; if necessary moving you to another area of the aircraft if that becomes necessary.

If you feel physically sick, remember that there is usually a sick bag provided on planes, and that also of course there are toilets at the back and often middle and front of most planes too should you need them.

If you suffer travel sickness then remember to take any remedies that you take for them on board with you; if you just suffer mild stomach aches or similar then you may find that having a pack of something with a refreshing taste like Polo mints can also be a great help at settling the stomach.

By: Fred

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