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Learn to flirt and increase your success rate...


It strikes fear into the hearts of some as it involves laying yourself on the line a little and seeing if other people like you and this can be terrifying.

For others it is seen as something fun, a challenge to relish - whatever your personal opinion on flirting, at some stage you are almost certainly going to need to do it to get that date of your dreams, and as they say, well, practice makes perfect when it comes to affairs of the heart!

Given this, what can you do to improve your flirting and to build relationships more successfully with those that you meet when out dating?

Well, research from psychologists has suggested a couple of methods that work well.

Method one is the 'agreement method'. Here what you do is agree with 75% of what the other person says and disagree with 25%. So if they say that they love going to the theatre for instance and particular shows then you join in with most of it, but disagree with a little part and say that perhaps there is one that they like that you don't, or you also like a different field.

By having things in common but with slight differences, apparently we can make ourselves seem attractive as we seem both a compatible partner but also someone that is not completely alike and this is what people want in relationships.

The second method is called mirroring.

Here what you do is copy the actions that the person you are chatting up and flirting with does. So if the target of your flirting has a sip of their drink, casually have a sip of yours a few seconds after.

And if your flirting target decides to change their posture a little, then after a little delay casually adopt the same posture yourself - this is what mirroring is, for obvious reasons, and it helps to build rapport. We do it naturally with those that are our friends and can lead those we flirt with to find us more interesting and compatible and rate us better, as it were - just what you want when you are flirting.

So those are a couple of flirting tips to try out with your potential dates; just don't be too obvious with the second one else it might raise alarm bells that you've been having some flirting coaching!
Flirting Tips
Author: Stephanie

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Page Views: 1527 | Page Ranking: 160
Popular Tags:
flirting tips, relationship development

Last Updated: Feb 6th 2008

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Hello, my name is Andrew and I am 17 years old, I fell in love with a girl named Stephanie (Steph) and she is 15. Anyway we was together for only 2 months but I knew she was the one for me. She ended it because of something she heard about me which she later found out to be a lie but then said she "doesn't want a boyfriend" - i thought it was because she is scared of being hurt because she has been hurt before but its been 2 months since we split up and she has to know i wouldnt hurt her by now. I have no idea at all why she wont be with me and I don't believe her ecscuse. We have argued about it and she still says she really just doesn't want a boyfriend but there has to be a real reason, she just wont tell me. I still really love her and we do still talk as mates but I want to be more than mates, and I sometimes get the impression she still has feelings for me. What can I do because I love her and i can't let her go. Thanks Steph ~Andrew

If you love someone, the hardest thing to do can be to let them go when you realise that you can't ever make someone feel a certain way about you. If someone wants to be with you they will be, and if they don't want to be but don't want to hurt your feelings they make all sorts of excuses that don't really explain why they can't be with you. The bottom line is that you need to move on and find someone else, good luck.

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