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Idioms for the word "angry"

Angry as a bull
If someone is as angry as a bull, they are very angry.


Angry as a bear
If someone is as angry as a bear, they are very angry.('Angry as a bear with a sore foot' is also used.)


Blow a gasket
If you blow a gasket, you get very angry.


Up the wall
If someone goes up the wall, they get very angry.


A hot-headed person gets angry very easily. (The noun 'hothead' can also be used.)


Hit the roof
If you lose your temper and get very angry, you hit the roof.


See red
If someone sees red, they become very angry about something.


Beside yourself
If you are beside yourself, you are extremely angry.


Fly off the handle
If someone flies off the handle, they get very angry.


Fit to be tied
If someone is fit to be tied, they are extremely angry.


Mad as a hornet
If someone is as mad as a hornet, they are very angry indeed.


Hot under the collar
If you're hot under the collar, you're feeling angry or bothered.


Make your blood boil
If something makes your blood boil, it makes you very angry.


Throw your toys out of the pram
To make an angry protest against a relatively minor problem, in the process embarrassing the protester. The analogy is with a baby who throws toys out of the pram in order to get their parent to pay attention to them. The implication in the idiom is that the protester is...


At daggers drawn
If people are at daggers drawn, they are very angry and close to violence.


Get your feathers in a bunch
If you get your feathers in a bunch, you get upset or angry about something.


Hit the ceiling
If someone hits the ceiling, they lose their temper and become very angry.


Face like thunder
If someone has a face like thunder, they are clearly very angry or upset about something.


If someone is on the warpath, they are very angry about something and will do anything to get things sorted the way they want.


Bark is worse than their bite
Someone who's bark is worse than their bite may well get angry and shout, but doesn't take action.


In my bad books
If you are in someone's bad books, they are angry with you. Likewise, if you are in their good books, they are pleased with you.


Put somebody's nose out of joint
If you put someone's nose out of joint, you irritate them or make them angry with you.


Their bark is worse than their bite
If someone's bark is worse than their bite, they get angry and shout and make threats, but don't actually do anything.


Knickers in a twist
When your knickers are in a twist, you are angry and snappish over something trivial. 'Whenever he loses his car keys, he gets his knickers in a twist.'


Keep your hair on
Keep your hair on is advice telling someone to keep calm and not to over-react or get angry.


Red rag to a bull
If something is a red rag to a bull, it is something that will inevitably make somebody angry or cross.


More heat than light
If a discussion generates more heat than light, it doesn't provide answers, but does make people angry.


Walk on eggshells
If you have to walk on eggshells when with someone, you have to be very careful because they get angry or offended very easily.('Walk on eggs' is also used.)


Turn the other cheek
If you turn the other cheek, you are humble and do not retaliate or get outwardly angry when someone offends or hurts you, in fact, you give them the opportunity to re-offend instead and compound their unpleasantness.


Cut off your nose to spite your face
If you cut off your nose to spite your face, you do something rash or silly that ends up making things worse for you, often because you are angry or upset.


Round the bend
If someone has gone round the bend, they have stopped being rational about something. If something drives you round the bend, it irritates you or makes you angry.


Quarrel with bread and butter
Bread and butter, here, indicate the means of one’s living. (That is why we say ‘he is the bread winner of the family’). If a sub-ordinate in an organisation is quarrelsome or if he is not patient enough to bear the reprimand he deserves, gets angry and retorts or provokes...


If you have other idioms regarding the word "angry",please contact me via email,
Idioms Idioms
Author: Cheng Zhi Wen

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idioms for the word \"angry\"

Last Updated: Mar 29th 2008

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